Transforming Pennsylvania Local Governments
into Models of Operational Excellence so they can Build Communities of ChoiceProject Partners
Our team boasts a broad range of staff members and consultants to help you maximize your effectiveness.

Ben Kafferlin
Policy & Procedure Management
Strategic Planning, Design and Implementation
Community & Economic Development
County Government Management
814-313-1271 Ext: 1001

Lisa Hagberg
Fund Accounting, Budgeting, Fiscal Policy
Human Resource Management
Community Development
Municipal Government Management
814-313-1271 Ext: 1059

Doug Kafferlin
Policy & Procedure Management
Software, Process & Electrical Engineering
Information Technology
Industrial Economic Development
814-313-1271 Ext: 1058

Chelsea Puff
Senior Consultant
Human Resource Management
Community & Economic Development
Municipal Government Management
Planning, Zoning & Codes
814-313-1271 Ext: 1083

Christine Matteson
Senior Consultant
Environmental Compliance
Grant Writing
Grant Administration
814-313-1271 Ext: 1018

Reilly Enlow
Senior Consultant
Fund Accounting
Municipal Government
814-313-1271 Ext: 1063

Andrew Smith
Software Design & Coding
Website Development
IT Systems Administration
814-313-1271 Ext: 1043

Bobbi Jo Kafferlin
Development Financing
Loan Management
814-313-1271 Ext: 1061
Andrew Horban
Senior Consultant
Software Development
Technology Integration
814-313-1271 Ext: 1071
Mary Kafferlin
Academic Research
Writing & Copywriting
Cataloging Systems
814-313-1271 Ext: 1017
Brandon Irish
Senior Consultant
Strategic Planning
IT Systems Administration
814-313-1271 Ext: 1075
Jeff Davidek
Senior Consultant
Pension Management
Financial Analysis
814-313-1271 Ext: 1074
Sunny Lee
Software Development
Information Technology
814-313-1271 Ext: 1068
Kait Proper
Graphic Design
814-313-1271 Ext: 1069
Kristin Hoover
Senior Consultant
Policy Development
Process Design
814-313-1271 Ext: 1072
Carol Kafferlin
Office Manager
Nonprofit Management
Event Coordination
814-313-1271 Ext: 1002


Community & Economic Plans

Strategic Management Plans (STMP)

Policy Development


Intervention & Investigations

Interim Management

Technology Integration


Performance-Based Budgets (PBB)

Budget Reallocation

Fiscal Interim Management
Local Government Services

Legacy Services

Strategic Planning
Core values, SWOT analysis, goals, vision statements, and objectives can feel like overwhelming concepts at first – but to build a cohesive strategic plan, they must be mastered. This workshop will demystify the many elements that constitute strategic planning and will help build a critical understanding of the necessity of such a plan within an organization.
- Learn from qualified professionals who have helped many organizations establish and maintain successful strategic plans and who are committed to doing the same for your organization.
Parliamentary Procedure
Conducting a meeting is hard enough without people talking over each other, taking off after rabbit trails, and bringing up multiple issues at once. Many people may be familiar with “Robert’s Rules of Order” but few know how to follow it well. Even fewer recognize that this type of meeting procedure may not be the best fit. Selecting the best parliamentary procedure and learning to use it well will create meetings where everyone is heard and decisions can be made without confusion.
- This workshop will teach staff the importance of utilizing parliamentary procedures, help identify the best procedure for your organization, and will walk through the rules and guidelines laid out for the chosen method.
Professional Etiquette
An unwritten code of ethics exists within corporate America, and it is not necessarily taught in school. From the proper way to format an email to appropriate ways to talk on social media, often etiquette must be learned by experience – however, this workshop can prevent learning many lessons the hard way, and can drastically increase the professionalism of your entire company.
- Kafferlin Strategies will introduce many elements of practical communication etiquette within the workplace, allowing you to stand out from the competition as a clean, professional, and trustworthy organization worth doing business with.
Crisis Communications
No one wants to think about the “what if’s” that surround a potential crisis within an organization, however, pre-planning is the best way to ensure that these issues are not the reason for disaster. Similar to military drills or firefighting exercises which prepare teams for potential catastrophe, this workshop helps prepare organizations for the unexpected through a series of tabletop exercises, pre-made press releases, talking points, and overall preparation plans.
Risk Assessment
Every organization has risks that threaten normal operations. What are the potential threats to your organization? How would those risks jeopardize your work? Risk assessment is an important element of planning for the success of an organization, and a plan to mitigate those threats can save trouble in the long run.
- Studies suggest that preventative planning and maintenance will save up to six times the cost of dealing with a crisis in the moment. This workshop will help identify potential risks and establish wise management practices to ensure continued operations for years to come.
Procedure Writing
While it is tempting to think it is easier to just do a project yourself, there is great and underappreciated value in setting out designated procedures for everything an organization does. While the commitment takes more upfront time, over the lifespan of the procedure uniformity, decrease in errors, and increase in speed will speak to the necessity of written procedures.
- Using project management practices from agile, lean, and ISO 9000, Kafferlin Strategies will teach you how to establish organized procedures that will decrease employee training time and increase the overall productivity of your organization.
Intergenerational Relations
It is well known that today’s youth are tomorrow’s leaders – but all too often the equipping of these future leaders falls by the wayside within a busy organization. With so many things that need to be done, taking time to build relationships between generations can be difficult. It is, however, relationships like these that can make or break an organization in the long term. While current leadership may be running things smoothly, if they are not allowed to build relationships with the younger employees, passing the value of good leadership down to the next generation, an organization’s success can wither and die when the younger team members step into those positions.
- This workshop will discuss the importance of these types of relationships and will provide strategies and practices to ensure that your organization will be set up for success for many years to come.
Business Modeling
How would you describe your organization? What makes it unique? Why does it exist? Who is it here to serve? What are its foundational costs? How will it produce revenue? Who are the key partners?
- If any of these questions have not been laid out on paper, this workshop is for you. Having a solid business model is just as important to starting/maintaining a business as a blueprint is for building a house. Sitting down with skilled professionals from Kafferlin Strategies will help you think through each element of a solid business plan, and will give you the confidence to strive forward toward success, having established a solid foundation to build upon.
Thank You!
Consider contacting us about a free consultation – it’s a great way to get to know each other. We look forward to hearing from you.
Kafferlin Strategies… provided interim management services and not only did they apply for numerous grants—half a dozen from Pennsylvania and an equal number from federal sources—but they also significantly improved our accounting processes. Their leadership in strategic planning and their adept representation of our organization were very helpful. Ben was a turn-key solution for us, bringing deep knowledge of management and local government operations. At the same time, their team-based approach meant they had a bench of specialized consultants in grant writing, fund accounting, development finance, and technology, as needed. We benefited from specialized skills without the overhead of a larger permanent team. I found the collaboration not just effective but transformative.
I was thoroughly impressed by Ben and Lisa’s unwavering commitment and willingness to drop everything to assist me. Their deep expertise in restructuring and applying organizational theory proved to be both practically and tactically invaluable. They skillfully navigated complex interpersonal dynamics with a fresh and innovative approach. Ben and Lisa developed iterative scenarios for board action that greatly facilitated the achievement of our long-term goals.
Ready to transform your local government into a model of efficiency?
Begin with our Operational Standards Evaluation (OSE)We partner with CiviLink to give you access to our assessment inspired by the Baldrige Excellence Framework, specially tailored for Pennsylvania local governments.