Bury Your Heart

Bury Your Heart

If you’ve ever seen the 1994 epic Legends of the Fall starring Brad Pitt, you might remember a disturbing scene. During a WWI skirmish, the main character, Tristan (Pitt), runs through the forest to take out two German machine gunners about to fire on his...
Why ‘House of Cards’ Gets Politics Wrong

Why ‘House of Cards’ Gets Politics Wrong

House of Cards is a first-rate series for us political junkies. I’m hooked. In fact, Right Progress Editor James Velasquez and I had plans to wake up at 3:00 AM to start watching it on the night of release. Really. The acting seems, to me, a cut above most television....
A Home for Millennial Reformists

A Home for Millennial Reformists

Originally published on The Clapham Group webpage by Mark Rodgers The Clapham Group’s Ben Kafferlin, with a half dozen other disaffected millennial “reformists,” have started a new initiative named Right Progress. It’s a network of millennial-age writers and...
Soul Searching at Gettysburg

Soul Searching at Gettysburg

“The brave men…who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.”  As I write this, I am at the epicenter of any history buff’s dream. It is a steamy, overcast day and I find myself in the small town square of Gettysburg,...