Being of Our Being

Being of Our Being

“We will not deny to any man either justice or right.” – Magna Carta, 1215 If you visit the National Archives in Washington, DC, you will find massive doors, impressive high ceilings, granite and marble, and (usually) a reverent ambiance. Inside the somber dark...
We Were Poor But Didn’t Know It

We Were Poor But Didn’t Know It

Charles Murray’s seminal work, Coming Apart, focused on the segregation of Caucasian Americans by income into zip codes. In many ways, Robert Putnam’s Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis picks up where Murray’s work left off – measuring and evaluating social and...
Crisis Management

Crisis Management

Last month, I had the distinct pleasure of speaking at the CCCA Allegheny Sectional. The title of the presentation was Damage Control: Communication Planning for Crisis Situations and the PDF is attached here.   Let’s say your organization suffers from property...
Memento Mori

Memento Mori

About this time last year, I had the opportunity to romp through England, Wales and Scotland. Exploring ancient abbeys and graveyards made me feel an odd kind of hiraeth—a Welsh term, fittingly, that refers to “a homesickness for a home to which you cannot return, a...